Sunday, February 6, 2011

Io - The Language

As a participant in the NashDL Book Club, I've been working my way through Bruce Tate's Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. To be fair, we only meet once every two weeks, and we're hitting one language per meeting, so in our case it's seven languages in fourteen weeks. The first language we looked at was Ruby, which is of course an interesting language, but one that most of us were familiar with already. The real fun of this book is learning new languages, so I'm excited to have moved on to language number two, Io.

It must be acknowledged that this is a terrible name for a programming language if only for its ungooglability. It might as well be named Stack Space or Garbage Collection. This dynamic language is primarily inspired by Smalltalk, which I have had very limited experience with. Io is prototype-based, which makes me relate it to JavaScript, but Io is more strictly prototype-based. In JavaScript you can make a function act like a class and use it to create objects, but in Io there is nothing that even resembles classes. Types of objects are defined by building up prototypes and cloning them. The genesis of all things is the clone method of the Object type.

Person := Object clone
Developer := Person clone
IOer := Developer clone

All types are wide open to be modified in most any way, similar to the way classes are in Ruby. Properties and methods can be added, removed, and redefined at any time. Of course, this opens the door to both magic and disaster, so hack responsibly.

Io has an extremely simply syntax and some handy features that lend themselves nicely to creating DSLs. For example, to define the meaning of curly braces, you just create a method called curlyBrackets. Same with squareBrackets. Io also lets you define your own operators. This takes me straight to when Uncle Bob said that what killed Smalltalk was how easy it was to make a mess. It looks to me like that part of the Smalltalk legacy has been preserved here. It's very cool, but it reminds me of Inception when Ariadne starts getting too creative with her architecture. Sure, she is able to fold the world over on top of itself, but then she's got some seriously agitated projections to deal with.

Io is not the fastest language out there, but it might make up for that with some nice features for concurrency and asynchronous i/o. Anyone up for a new implementation of node.js? Might be fun.

I don't know if I will ever use Io in real life, but I have found it useful for helping me to think in a more prototype-oriented manner, which is necessary for writing good JavaScript. I'm still working to make amends with JavaScript after years of trying to treat it like C#. I think it's starting to forgive me. Thanks, Io.

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